During Anna’s previous carreer as a psychologist, she focused on guiding personal development processes. She became fascinated by the natural course of change from within, which unfolds as a continious proces of growth, stagnation, decline and renewal, time and again.

Anna experienced significant growth in her own life during pregnancy and giving birth to her children, and in her development as a mother. This brought about a deeper awareness of the instinctive nature of women. The womb as a symbol for co-existence, a place of growth and renewal, safe and nurturing.

Stagnation and a crisis in her personal life led to a turning point in her existence. Reflecting on the next phase in her life in which motherhood was not the central focus anymore, she felt the urge to express the ‘soft values’ in a new way, in a period that so much needs it: empathy, compassion, vulnerability and connectedness. These values are perfectly represented by the properties of wool. Wool is protective, warm, soft and strong and it provides the basis for Anna’s work.

Anna is mother of three sons and lives in Amsterdam.